Agent Details

Student Details

Family Details: Parent 1

Family Details: Parent 2 (optional)

Student Citizenship


Current Schooling


Medical, Learning, Emotional or Social Needs


Immunisation Record


Miscellaneous Questions

Data Consent

Application Fee

Conditions and Privacy The information provided within this form is collected to satisfy the School's legal obligations especially with regard to its duty of care and to enable the School to provide education for your child. It is used for general purposes as intended under the Enrolment Agreement contract and for development and fundraising within the School Community. It will be used only for the purposes of which it has been provided. By submitting this information you have consented to its use under the information management processes and Privacy Policy at Toorak College, as outlined on the School website. Toorak College undertakes to enable individuals to examine and authorise changes to any of their personal information, held by the School, by contacting the School or in annual update forms. 'The School'... refers to Toorak College (Early Learning Centre, Wardle House, Senior School) I/We agree to the following terms and conditions in respect to the enrolment of our child and our child's attendance at Toorak College: Parents will be invited to bring their child to the School for an interview with the Principal or their delegate prior to the nominated date of entry. If possible, both parents/guardians should attend. Admission to the School is conditional upon the Principal being satisfied as to the suitability of the applicant. Parents will be notified, if a place has been reserved for their child at the School. The Application is for the year in which the student is enrolled and subsequent years. Change of address should be supplied promptly. Failure to do so may result in the School being unable to make contact and cancellation of the Application may result. The School reserves the right without prior notice to make changes as it deems appropriate in its course offerings, curricular, co-curricular offerings, teaching policies and other rules affecting its students. When making an application for enrolment parents must notify the School of any disability including specific learning or behavioural needs that the child may have and of which the School should be aware and which may require adjustments to be made by the School to meet the child’s special needs in relation to education. Tuition and Boarding fees are subject to change at the discretion of Toorak College and there will be no dispute, claim or demand in respect of the same. This application will be assessed in accordance with the Enrolment Policy I/We the undersigned, wish to enrol our child as a student at the School. We enclose the non-refundable Application Fee and understand that this does not guarantee enrolment. I/We agree to keep the School informed if our family experiences any difficulties which could impact on our child’s well-being, performance and attendance at School. I/We have read the Conditions of Application for Enrolment and agree to be bound by these terms. Payment of the Application Fee signifies agreement to these terms and conditions